Completed abstract sculptures.
Mother and Child
This limestone piece shows the eternal love of a mother cradling her child.

Created in March 2015 of translucent alabaster
Origin takes its name from the Moebius shape that swirls in one continuous loop including a center helix reminiscent of a DNA molecule. The triangular cross section of the loop can be traced through the entire structure where one complete pass shows that the triangle has rotated through 1/3 of a turn as shown by the gold line. A full three passes are required to return to the point of origin with proper alignment, so while the triangle has three sides, these loops have only one.

Twisted Teak
Created 07/17/2015
This sculpted teak on a base of alabaster shows the beautiful grain that only nature can build. Its gentle curves allow the layers to show in a wonderful bull's eye pattern on the rounded surfaces.

Trinity Ring
Created 07/09/2021
Clay with stone base
While this sculpture appears to be composed of three intertwining rings, it is in face just a single ring. This can be proven by placing a finger lightly on an edge and following the ring around with the other hand. After one full loop, your hand will be on the next edge. Another loop will move you to the third apparent edge, and another loop will finally bring you back around to the original point. Thus there are three in one.